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Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Pavlova with Passionfruit Coulis

The Pav - as it is lovingly called, the essential Aussie Xmas classic is a really simple dessert.  It is made from two basic ingredients - egg white and sugar.  But to execute it - you need to be a precise follower of the recipe and a bit of an engineer and an artist at the same time.  You know, like using the right and left sides of your brain.  And you need the patience of a saint and the persistence of a sinner!  I am not much of a baker - but I decided to humour my daughter who wanted me to make this. This is a recipe from goodfood.com.au and I found it very easy to follow.  

Update:  I managed to crack the "white" ceiling - got a snowy white pavlova.  But the humidity decided to spoil the day and my pav cracked.  But I am not going to let anything spoil my happiness!
Thank you chef Freddy Money for the tip! Check out: https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/7429238884968811852/5951924838130574167 

To make the Pav shell


·         6 egg whites (65g eggs), at room temperature
·         250g (1 cup) castor sugar
·         1 tsp vanilla extract
·         2 tsp white vinegar
·         1 level tbsp cornflour

For dressing the Pav:
·         250ml (1 cup) thick cream
·         1 tbsp icing sugar for dusting
·         100g natural yoghurt
·         mixed berries, mango and passionfruit to serve
·         mint leaves, to serve


1.    Line a baking tray with baking paper and draw a 23cm diameter circle in the centre. Heat oven to 100 degrees C. 
2.    Using an electric beater, beat egg whites in a clean, dry glass or metal bowl at medium speed until firm peaks form on top. 

    Add the caster sugar one tablespoon at a time, beating for at least 30 seconds after each addition. Beat until the meringue is stiff, shiny and no longer grainy. Beat in the vanilla extract and vinegar. Sift the cornflour over the top and beat until mixed well.

3.    Spoon the meringue mixture onto the tray, using the circle as a guide. Using a spatula knife, draw the mixture from the bottom up the sides to shape into a round.
4.    Place in the lower rack of the oven and immediately reduce temperature to 90 degrees C. Bake for 1 hour and 40 minutes or until crisp outside (but not coloured), then turn off oven and leave to cool completely.

To assemble the Pav:

1.    Using an electric beater, beat the cream with the icing sugar to firm peaks. Beat in the yoghurt until well combined. Refrigerate until needed.
2.    To serve, gently top the cooled pavlova with large spoonfuls of the cream (if the meringue cracks, glue together with cream mixture). Spoon the berries and the passionfruit coulis on top of the pavlova, scatter with mint leaves and dust with extra icing sugar. 


  •   Do not open the oven door during baking, or the pavlova will collapse.
  • Egg whites should be fresh and at room temperature. Beat them until they form firm upright peaks before adding the sugar.
  •  Add the sugar a spoonful at a time and beat until the meringue no longer feels grainy when you rub a little between thumb and forefinger
  • Vinegar helps to stabilise the egg whites, and cornflour helps prevent the meringue from weeping.
  • This is my first time making a full fledged pavlova.  I followed the recipe but the next time I make it I will reduce the temperature and let it cook for longer.  Similarly, you might find that your over temperatures are slightly different and you might need to adjust accordingly.

Passionfruit Coulis


5 fresh passion fruit cut in half, pulp and juice scooped out
1 cup sugar


  • In a medium saucepan, combine the passion fruit pulp/juice and sugar.
  • Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, simmer for 3-5 minutes.
  • Set aside to cool.
  • Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

 A good Pav has a light and fluffy interior and a crisp crunchy outer shell as you can see in this picture.

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