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Friday, July 03, 2020

Caramelized Banana

Who would have thought, an over ripe banana, some sugar and ghee would taste so good? It is also a great way to get rid of the over ripe bananas in your fruit bowl.

This recipe is very easy to make and is warm, creamy, sweet bananas, gooey caramel and a burst of nuts in your mouth.  Very nice on its own as dessert or serve it with ice cream if you want.

The only thing that takes long is waiting for the caramel to get golden.


2 ripe bananas  ( I have used over ripe bananas, but you can use firm ones if you like)
2 tablespoons sugar
1 tablespoon ghee
a few broken pieces of walnuts for garnish


Peel bananas, roll it in the sugar.  In a saucepan, add ghee and when it becomes hot, place the sugared bananas in it.

Stir every now and again gently - and turn the bananas around so that the sugar can caramelize evenly on all sides of the banana.  

Place on a serving plate and garnish with nuts.

Serve on its own or with ice cream.

Note:  If you use firm bananas, you can cut them to shape.  These are over ripe and will lose their shape once cooked.

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